Building and sailing the Journeyman 60

2006 – 2014

  • So we finished the steering today. I had at least 2 months of e-mail arguments with the folks at HyDrive in Australia before they agreed to make a steering system according to my specifications. In the end they were kind…

  • Yesterday all the cushion sizes were tried out, so those should be ready in time for launch. The sofas will get grey cushions in a super durable fabric which still feels quite like ordinary canvas. I’ll write more about that…

  • Literally, in this case. The exit from the yard to the main road was too narrow for the Journeyman on its trailer.

  • The keel is being prepared for mounting. This will be the first of  the three most nervous moments in the whole project. The other two critical moments are of course first the launch, which will show if my hydrostatic calculations…

  • The guys in Trollhättan who did the bulb apparently were in a bit of a hurry to go on holiday or something. We have a few issues we need to fix. Like all the bolts have been damaged. And there…

  • Being busy is about the lamest excuse for not blogging, I know that. But I’ve been doing 16-19 hour working days the last 10 days, so I had to get the tempo down a bit before I could find the…

  • Although in this final stage it seems no matter how you thrust forward there are at least a thousand things left to do. But anyways, now it’s one less. Having a propeller helps. And for those of you who remember…

  • One of the most common causes of small injuries on an ocean crossing yacht is crew members slipping and falling. Your typical “luxury” cruiser has nice shiny floors. Shiny, however, is not so nice when you have wet shoes and…

  • I know the list is long, but another thing that annoys me on many yachts is the fridge/freezers. An ordinary cupboard style fridge is very difficult to deal with when the boat is heeling, you open the door and everything…

  • The sails are the last thing that goes on. But the team at Hamel Sails is already hard at work, to make sure everything is ready when the boat is rigged in late August. Panels of the stay-sail being glued…

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