Building and sailing the Journeyman 60

2006 – 2014

  • The water is clear. The dolphins are here. Finally we are on a real ocean, not some sea…

  •   Looks like we’re finally out of the beating-upwind-in-30-knots-and-choppy-seas business. Good riddance. We’ve been in that business for almost a month now!!! The start of the leg towards Bretagne and Brest was very nice. Broad reaching in light winds and…

  • Well Guernsey is sort of half British, anyway. Not really part of the UK but its citizens are still British. Today, however, the weather is very British. Grey, damp and drizzly. The forecast for tomorrow is sunny, much nicer sailing…

  • OK, so for those of you who are unfamiliar with the “sill” I mentioned in the last post, here is what it looks like at low tide: St Peter has an average tide difference of about 9 meters. The sill…

  • Since reading “The Celtic Ring” 10 years ago I have always wondered what it would be like to sail through a really strong overfall1. Now I know. Before embarking on the rather short leg from Lymington to St Peter I…

  • As many of you have noticed the tracking and climate variable monitoring system went a little haywire as we crossed from east to west of Greenwich. The developers have fixed the problem now, so our last position is now accurate.…

  • Many details on the Journeyman are experimental. Most are working very well, some not at all, and some need some refinement. I have written before about the de-bubbelizing tank that the Journeyman has in the salt water inlet. The pipe…

  • Well, there are rough conditions and there are rough conditions. And a Journeyman ride over the English Channel after 3 days of 30 knot winds was clearly worse than my definition of comfort would allow. So I consider myself beaten.…

  • Sooo.. We’re still hanging out in Boulogne waiting for useful winds to move over to the UK. Tomorrow is looking good so far! Today I took a looooong bike ride out into the suburbs to find large sized heat-shrink tubes.…

  • Boulogne is a nice town, the marina is reasonably priced, and the weather forecast looks like beating to windward in strong winds (as usual on this trip so far) but this time in rain: Conclusion: We stay here for a…

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