Author: Jesper
Bahia tempo. Get used to it.
Actually I am having a problem with this. Being Swedish and used to efficiency. Here everything takes 100 years by my standards. Over a week ago we got an OK from the Bahia Marina management that we could do the work at a spot on their service dock. I tried to actually go there starting…
Interior dismount depression.
Now about half of the interior is completely dismounted and the boat is a complete mess. It took longer than I thought to do due to the massive heat. I simply had to go out and cool down pretty often. And now I am in a bit of a depression because I keep thinking about…
Heat, glue and having the right tools.
If I sweat any more now I will have to start running the bilge pump! It is over 30°C in the shade, and more inside the boat. I am struggling with dismounting the aft toilet. Here ALL joints are double glued, precisely as they should NOT have been. Unfortunately this job was done during the…
Teardown started
I have started to tear down the interior to clear the way for welding reinforcements to the ballast tanks. The forward starboard toilet is now done. So far I only had to saw one wall panel apart. There were some spots where the Estonian builders had actually followed instructions and not glued everything together. And…
New home, new contacts
We spent the first 5 days in Salvador in “Bahia Marina”, which is not a very good place for cruising sailors. It is full of snobbish motor yachts owned by rich Brazilians who have loads of workers constantly cleaning them. As a result the marina is super expensive, noisy and only frequented by very posh…
Change of environment
This is what popped up over the horizon this morning. After a total of 21 days at sea and 7 days at the godforsaken piece of rock that is Ascension Island it is almost close to mind-blowing to enter the city of Salvador Bahia. 3 million people, noise and music everywhere.
Farwell Ascension
It has been a nice stay, even if we couldn’t get our repairs done. But plans are made to be changed, anyhow. I’m actually pretty excited about going to Brazil, I think it will be fun! We are going to Salvador Bahia, with an estimated time of arrival on the 11th of January. The planning pages…
Ascension for sailing cruisers
I thought I should do a little writeup of my experiences of what Ascension is like for cruising sailors. There’s not too much of that available on the net. Hopefully people should be able to find this post via search engines… The Georgetown port harbour is a decent achorage. To the NE of the pier…
Murphys law and Turtles
After a crossing that took much too long we are now on Ascension Island. Remind me never to fail to take ocean currents into account again ;-) This place has less than 1000 inhabitants, and life centers around the big Air Force base which is jointly operated by the UK and the US. It used…