Tag: Comfort
Necessities of life
I am continuing my quest to make a boat that “takes care of the crew instead of having the crew take care of the boat”. Unfortunately I can’t make the boat do the dishes. But I can at least try to improve the situation a bit for the crew member who does them. Most yachts…
Sleeping late…
The mornings are getting lighter, and we are doing the seasons first sailing this coming weekend. This prompted installation of the window blinds. On long ocean crossings a lot of the sleeping will happen during daylight, so good window blinds are actually essential for comfort.
Vacuum Cleaner with Safety Belt
It seems the closer we get to sailing season and the closer Journeyman get to completion the higher the interest from people in joining the sailing activities. Which is nice. But with lots of people comes lots of food making and eating, which produces lots of crumbs! Crumb fighting with a cloth is not so…
Doing dishes or makeup?
Dig this sink. I have been working on it for a long time. Today it arrived with enough shine to be used as a mirror as well as as a sink. The thing is, kitchen sinks in sailboats at sea never work. The whole concept of a hole in the middle breaks down when the…
Comfortable Steering
I think the first time I had the idea that I could actually build my own boat was when I met Peter Stuivenberg on his yacht Crossroads in the Horta Marina on the Azores in 2001. If he could then I should be able too, right? One mistake he said he made was not paying…
First trial: The sofas are good.
One thing that’s REALLY hard when you are designing a virtual 3D yacht in your computer is getting the measurements of the spaces for people right. When I did the design, I was building weird models at home, equipped with a tape measure, various pieces of furniture, cardboard boxes etc. I also had 3D models…
The Devil is in the Details. And the Comfort too.
One of the design faults of most modern cruisers that annoy me is the positioning of the water inlets. I don’t think I have ever been on yacht where there hasn’t been problems with some water inlets being above water at some points of sail. The effect can be bad, for example not being able…