Building and sailing the Journeyman 60

2006 – 2014

  • Looong walking hike today. The old lighthouse was put out of order by the Argentinians in 1982. Some people still want it renovated, but for now newer and cheaper technology rules. We’re in Land Rover paradise here. But sometimes not…

  • Today the weather was really nice and calm so we profited from that by doing a small repair on the genoa luff. It had a small rip in the usual spot just at the start of the fore-stay groove. Now…

  • Today’s happy repair is the wind indicator that the clumsy skipper (me…) fell and smashed during a reefing manoeuvre in darkness in the crossing from Uruguay. The cover glass was cracked in several places and the salt water that got…

  • …for quite a few around here.

  • Today the 13th of December is a very traditional celebration day in Sweden. Here in the Falklands we are trying our best too. So I had made a very nice and spicy Glögg and fresh Lussebullar. All the neighbours were…

  • We like Port Stanley. It feel much more “real” than Ascension felt. Probably because people actually live here. They’re not just here on contract. And there’s a lot better food available in the stores. Really good selection actually, with the…

  • The leg started with a most annoying thing: We discovered our cooker did’nt work. It has not been used for a long time, and now it was dead. Well the oven worked, but not the stove. So the first dinner…

  • OK, the sails are back on, the fridge is full again, all tanks are refilled. …and that nice little stir in the stomach, which means that another trip into unknown waters is about to begin, is in place. Tonight we…

  • To be honest, I actually think I have never had so many things working at the same time on the boat. We have a new fuel system, restored bow-thruster, ballast tanks working, better auto pilot, better water circulation for the…

  • The crazy Australians that built my hydraulic steering system had a tendency to super-size everything. Not a bad thing in a steering system actually. But the auto-pilot got super-sized too, and that was maybe not perfect. With the original pump…

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