Building and sailing the Journeyman 60

2006 – 2014

  • It doesn’t matter how many times I have said “I don’t want a lot of equipment and machinery, it is just things that can break”. There is still a lot of machines. And I’m sure they will break at one…

  • At 5 o’clock in the morning on September 11, 2000, I arrived in St Johns, Newfoundland after a rather difficult crossing from Qaqortoq on Greenland. The following 30 hours were some of the weirdest in my life, with a complex…

  • OK, so there has been lots of small things that will be better if I get to build a second Journeyman. And some things that were designed wrong but could be easily changed while building. But this collision was not…

  • Mast foot. Shiny, so it must be expensive… :-) I’ll write more on the rigging later, but I just got the first images from the maker, so I just had to write a teaser blog entry about it. Today I…

  • Dig this sink. I have been working on it for a long time. Today it arrived with enough shine to be used as a mirror as well as as a sink. The thing is, kitchen sinks in sailboats at sea…

  • Here’s a first glimpse of the interior design colors: The stairway from the deck-house down to the salon. All floors in the interior are covered by a safety floor mat originally designed for public areas around swimming pools and such.…

  • I have written once before about the Creative Pump Design Department. It got even more creative now that the pumps have been installed for real. There were lots of limitations in terms of pipe bend angles and mounting spaces, so…

  • (Sorry, cheesiest entry title so far, probably…) Since the Journeyman has a rather pointy bulb, there is always the risk of catching stuff on the point. Fishing boys, anchor lines and such. But if we do, at least we will…

  • Somewhere on the outskirts of Stockholm, Sweden, a new missile is ready to launch on it’s first journey. A journey that in a few weeks will make it part of a Journeyman. From the research made in the 1900’s by…

  • An ocean crossing yacht sails around the clock. Which means people sleep around the clock too. So it’s nice if any running machines located close to the aft cabins is as silent as possible. Today we mounted the auto pilot…

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