Building and sailing the Journeyman 60

2006 – 2014

  • The mornings are getting lighter, and we are doing the seasons first sailing this coming weekend. This prompted installation of the window blinds. On long ocean crossings a lot of the sleeping will happen during daylight, so good window blinds…

  • Today I got rid of a couple of things that have annoyed me for some time.Actually, I have a list of about 60 of these. And the only way of making the list smaller is fixing them…. A small annoyance…

  • Real sailors splice. Even if it is a little complicated with modern dyneema core / double covered ropes. But when the sun is shining its spring rays into the cockpit it is a rather nice way of spending a couple…

  • I looked at a lot of commercially available electric power monitors, and none of them really suited me. Either they didn’t support dual voltages, or they had too small measurement shunts that couldn’t handle the 200A loads I have as…

  • I am quite satisfied with how the Journeyman is working out as a workshop space. I knew from some tests we did last fall that there is enough separation between the deckhouse and the salon to allow two different sessions…

  • If you’ve been following this blog you know that I am close to over zealous when it comes to power consumption. I just ran a test. 18 interior lamps lit at dimmed comfort levels. Running lights on. Main computer and…

  • It seems the closer we get to sailing season and the closer Journeyman get to completion the higher the interest from people in joining the sailing activities. Which is nice. But with lots of people comes lots of food making…

  • Good way to end the week: The starboard aft cabin is complete. This means there is now only one space left to do in the interior, the corridor towards this cabin from the main salon. So we are truly on…

  • The Journeyman project has multiple goals: To design and build a new class of yachts focused on comfort at sea. To provide a platform for great personal experiences and adventures. And also working with state of the art ecological and…

  • OK folks, the ice has started to melt… Time to get planning! Check out the preliminary schedules on the “Route Planning” page!

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