Rudder repair completed.

It took longer than I would have wanted. So it’s only borderline possible to reach Ascension Island before Christmas. We will see…

But it’s done.

I was surprised that the one single can of aluminum hull compatible anti-fouling that was available on the whole island was the same color as the old one!

On the whole, the repair is reasonable given the conditions: Almost impossible to find the right materials, no vacuum pump or even a simple thing as a belt grinder available. The tools they use in the fiber-glass workshop are hammers, angle grinders an rollers. That’s it. The repaired rudder is not as strong as the original, and the shape is a bit irregular. But it is going to work.

Language and communication problems, plus the disapperance of the rudder for a day caused most of the delays. Bu today we are off towards Ascension. Longest leg so far for Journeyman.


4 responses to “Rudder repair completed.”

  1. Karin Åmossa

    Ta hand om dig, och de mina ( ja och så de andra också så klart) Och glöm inte att twittra mycket om stort och smått. Det tycker vi som sitter i land är kul! Kram!

  2. Stefan

    Its looks like a brand new rudder. Take care and enjoy the adventure you are experiencing every single day!

  3. You are at the same destination since 8 o´clock this morning? Now its evening In stockholm with mud of snow and rain and no sun…

  4. Myr Ullhammar

    Tack Peter för dina fina skildirngar av livet ombord. Lisa vilket häftigt minne att vakna till inhoppande fisk. Tänk bara hur du skrämde den stackars kraken och det blir ett bra skratt.