Keelbox song: Rip it up and start it again.

I got this old song lyrics humming in my head… I think it was a British Eurovision Song Contest entry way back when. Anyone remembers? It’s all about ripping things up and starting over again.

So anyway, two weeks ago the keel-box was almost complete. And then something went very wrong. And now it looks like this:


One response to “Keelbox song: Rip it up and start it again.”

  1. Mark

    What went wrong? Well, the keelbox is certainly one mission impossible task. At first it has to be done inversely to engineering thumb rule number one : a) make the hole, b) machine the shaft according to hole. We have machined shaft: the keel fin with its machined and manually modified sliding surfaces and the task is to manufacture box with guiding bars for this sliding keel. Allowed tolerances are exeeding most stringent tolerance classes by ISO for welded structures twice and all that in conditions of heavy welding joints : 40mm bars, 5mm sheet and 25mm sheet. Lots of heat and huge deformation problem following every step. So, the first attempt simply was not good enough to let out from Alunaut doors.
    Descision to start over was not easy to make, but it was necessary. So, here we go again. I would say it reminds bit building a swiss clock with sledge hammer. Whish us luck, we can do it!