Tidigare handlade den här bloggen om bygget av Journeyman 60 åren 2006 – 2014

Nu har det blivit en bok!

  • Det var inte ovanligt att jag fick frågan “Ska du inte skriva en bok om dina seglingar” när Journeyman-projektet fortfarande pågick. Jag skrev faktiskt den boken, men tyckte den blev för tråkig och stoppade den i byrålådan. Under slutet av…

  • A late afternoon in May about 20 people that had been part of the project in one way or the other over the years gathered to share some memories and bid farewell to the yacht, before it passed on to…

  • Adventure sailing is wonderful, but sometimes hard to combine with other aspects of life. So now that I find myself in a situation where I do not have the possibility to give the boat the time that it needs, I…

  • Why are there no updates to the blog? What’s up with the boat? Well ;-) …. I married. Got a baby son. So I have plenty of other things on my mind. But the boat is still there and available…

  • Well folks, it’s time for a little break. Almost 10 000 NM in the last six months. We have safely arrived in Tenerife, and the Journeyman will get a bit of a rest while I tend to other matters. This…

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