Tag: Painting

  • Almost like a normal spring launch: Antifouling

    Almost like a normal spring launch: Antifouling

    Standard thing to do before launch: Painting anti-fouling. Well.. actually not for me, since my last small boat had so many layers of paint on the bottom when I bought it that I just grinded some old off each spring, instead of putting new on. And the large yacht I had before that was repainted…

  • Lots of Work-In-Progress…

    Lots of Work-In-Progress…

    The last 40 hours I have been sleeping three times, between 3 and 1 hour each time. This makes life slightly weird before you’re used to it. It’s just  like starting an ocean crossing and going on a very irregular watch schedule! Today’s best news is that the rudder bearing problem is solved, thanks to…

  • Too bright to get a waterline.

    Too bright to get a waterline.

    At least during daytime. But around 23.30 it has become dark enough for the laser to be able to illuminate the whole length of the hull: