Building and sailing the Journeyman 60
2006 – 2014
The keel is made from the SSAB super-duper Hardox 450 steel (remember the funny commercial about it?). Now this steel is not stainless, so it needs to be well protected from salt water. Usually you do this by painting it…
No fat welders, please!
The Journeyman 60 has one of the sharpest bows of any (monohull) yacht ever made, I think. Doing the inside welds is not exactly what I would call ergonomical….
Combating Global Warming by Snow Fairing?
Those of you who have followed this story for a while have read, and seen videos, about flame fairing. Well… since the global warming seems to come with very cold winters (where is the logic in that, I ask myself…)…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Chainplate!
So I’m off to celebrate Christmas in Stockholm and New Year in Berlin. I am wondering what it will be like to go to these gigantic cities? Will I suffer from cultural shock after 6 months in the Saaremaa countryside?…
Lots of tanks.
It’s starting to get more interesting on the inside of the hull now. Work is going on on the water, diesel and ballast tanks. It is kind of tricky to weld inside a closed tank, that’s why there are so…
Let the Sun Shine In.
I had an idea about how to make the recesses for the topside windows look nice. An Margo is doing a really excellent job with it. The edges are milled to 3mm radius, maybe a small detail but it will…
New Looks New Language New Layout
Sooo…. Starting from today the blog will be in English. There are enough non-Swedish speaking people following us now to warrant the change. I hope you enjoy it! Also I was a little bored yesterday, and took the opportunity to…
Full fart
Nu är det mer fart i arbetet här på varvet. Dock har orosmoln dykt upp på horisonten i form av den specialbyggda trailer som vi behöver för att vända skrovet. Den är fortfarande långt ifrån klar. Men vi jobbar på…
Tredubblad arbetsstyrka, men långsamt arbete…
I dag fick vi 11 nya medarbetare på varvet. Men lustigt nog har det gått väldigt långsamt att arbeta ändå. Det kan kanske bero på att alla nya är svenskar, och att ingen är nån erfaren båtbyggare! Tur att dom…
Aldrig mer gris-pitt.
En av utmaningarna med aluminiumbåtar är att aluminium i saltvatten gärna bildar ett batteri så fort det finns en annan metall bredvid. Med “bildar ett batteri” menar jag precis det. Det skapas en elektrisk spänning mellan dom två metallerna och…
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