Building and sailing the Journeyman 60

2006 – 2014

  • OK, so those of you who have been following the building process for some time maybe are thinking there is soooo much details and technical stuff, is this a sailing yacht or a machine? Well, I have always been clear…

  • As the sun sets over the fields of Pöide Vald, the Journeyman is slowly moving into position on the trailer. We need to get it up to the correct height to be able to mount rudders and keel, so we…

  • … no solar power yet. Too bad about the sunshine…

  • Today it’s Sunday and most people are free from work, so the team is taking the opportunity to test-drive the trailer exit from the yard. It turns out the exit to the main road will have to be widened a…

  • Today we started to put together the steering system. Only to discover that 1/3 of the parts had connection threads that didn’t match! They were all 3/8″, but different 3/8″… It seems no matter how much you follow the standards,…

  • It is hot on Saaremaa these days. Even hotter inside the boat now that the windows are getting mounted and the amout of open holes in the hull is going down. Lots of people are working inside so we actually…

  • In governments and in sailing yachts…. Since the Journeyman aims to be an environmentally friendly yacht in all respects, I have decided not to fit any generator. At all. Not even a shore power charger! Well… that’s maybe also because…

  • The first interior bulkhead wall is up. Unfortunately you can’t see the nice woodwork since it won’t be mounted until the last moment. But you can see the system we are using to make it possible to dismantle the interior…

  • Olari has started to install the machinery that will lift the 5 ton keel up and down. The draft can be changed from 3.8 meters to 1.8 meters. This shallow draft is often necessary when entering small fishing harbors and…

  • Well, right now it is mid-summers eve in Sweden, one of the bigger and more traditional party holidays in the year. And I am sitting alone in my Soviet era apartment in the middle of a field, with a boat…

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