Building and sailing the Journeyman 60

2006 – 2014

  • During the summer holidays there are always lots of little handcraft stores and local art exhibits sprouting in the Swedish countryside, hoping that people with lots of vacation time will make a stop. The same happens in Estonia. The Journeyman…

  • Do you remember this picture? It was a little tricky designing the dimensions for the steering, without having the rudders in place. There is basically no straight surfaces anywhere to measure from… However, it seems that we were reasonably successful.…

  • Rudders are in. They fit nicely… almost. Some small mod may be needed due to the bottom shape being a bit deformed. As you can see the team ended up building a ramp instead of digging a hole for the…

  • Estonian word for “nightshift”…

  • The last 40 hours I have been sleeping three times, between 3 and 1 hour each time. This makes life slightly weird before you’re used to it. It’s just  like starting an ocean crossing and going on a very irregular…

  • The solar battery is in place, all 800 Watts of it: In other news, we have a heatwave situation. The boat becomes a sauna at around 10.30 in the mornings. And it looks like it will last. So starting today…

  • At least during daytime. But around 23.30 it has become dark enough for the laser to be able to illuminate the whole length of the hull:

  • During my previous ocean cruise I lost my VHF radio microphone. It was supposed to be waterproof, but its mount was quite flimsy and didn’t hold i well, so it would tend to fall down when there was some violent…

  • Today has been full of bad news. Leak testing of the deck showed that ALL of the hatches were leaking. In the same spot. Not in the mounting, but through the hatch itself, due to a manufacturing error at the…

  • What makes a door funky, you may ask? Well, for example the fact that it is in three pieces. Two on separate hinges, to allow opening only the upper part, and keeping the lower in place as a wash-over protection.…

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