Only the best is good enough for a Journeyman

I am very happy to welcome Nexus Marine as partners in the Journeyman Project. The NXR Instrumentation System comes with outstanding precision and in my opinion clearly superior ergonomics, especially at night. Plus it has the Steering Pilot, an instrument which is invaluable when you are sailing with inexperienced helmsmen.

So I would have chosen their instruments anyway. But since they also like the Journeyman project and want to be part of it, the choice just got a lot easier!


One response to “Only the best is good enough for a Journeyman”

  1. martin

    Steering Pilot is the good stuff.
    I agree with you, it is a differentiator.
    Cant wait to C it.
    U think we can persuade the guys @ NEXUS to construct a personal device receiving data wireless so U R always updated.
    That could be part of a MOB construct, with some interesting ad ons…….