…så här börjar det:
Changelab AB, a limited company duly registered under the laws of Sweden, commercial code 556596-5471, and with the address Scheelegatan 11, 112 54 STOCKHOLM, Sweden (hereafter the Buyer), on the one side and Alunaut OU, a limited company duly registered under the laws of Estonia, commercial code 10052015, with the address Väike-Pahila, Orissaare v, 94660 Saare mk, Estonia (hereafter the Builder), on the other side, have this day concluded the following
Buyer is wholly owned by Mr. Jesper Weissglas, who has designed an aluminum sailing boat under the trade name JOURNEYMAN 60 (hereafter referred to as the Boat). All rights and title to the drawings of the Boat deriving from Mr. Weissglas design, as well as the trade name JOURNEYMAN 60, are the property of the Buyer.
The Builder is engaged in the business of constructing, building and repairing boats of various kind and operates from a shipyard in Estonia. The Builder was formed as a company in 2008, but is owned and run by a group of individuals, including Mr. Mark Muru, all of which have decades of experience from construction and building of boats in aluminum and other materials for the Estonian and International shipping industry.
The Builder undertakes to build the Boat at its shipyard on behalf of the Buyer and in accordance with the design as set by the Buyer on the terms as set out in this Contract.
….å så fortsätter det ett par hundra sidor till….
Alla som känner för det är välkommna att fira detta tillsammans med mig i baren på Hotel Amaranten på fredag kl 18 !
Så det så.
4 responses to “Ett historiskt handslag. Kom och fira!”
GRATTIS JESPER!!! Härligt delmål uppnått. När säger kontraktet att den ska vara klar??
1a maj 2010 ska allt vara klart utom riggningen.
Varvskillarna säger att dom kunde vara klara tidigare, men dom vill lägga extra tid eftersom JM60 kommer att bli deras stora reklampelare och dom vill ha allt perfekt…
…mos! Massivt grattis från le terre au crabe you know as :: hkn ::
De é så man får gåshud.
En makalös manick.
Länge leve dig.